Aug 25, 2020Scientists Reveal an epigenome-metabolome-epigenome signalling cascade mediated by Glis1 facilitating pluripotency inductionOn August 24, Nature Metabolism journal published a latest research titled “Glis1 facilitates induction of pluripotency via an epigenome–metabolome–epigenome signalling cascade” from Xingguo Liu’s group in Guangzhou Institute of Bio...
Aug 18, 2020Scientists discovered the mechanism of female infertility caused by mitochondrial DNA mutations and its reversal strategiesOn August 3, Aging Cell journal published a latest research titled “Mitochondrial DNA mutation exacerbates female reproductive aging via impairment of the NADH/NAD+ redox” from Xingguo Liu’s research group in Guangzhou Institute of bi...
Jul 20, 2020Researchers found a new transcriptional mechanism regulating mouse ground state pluripotencyMouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) cultured with MEK and GSK3 inhibitors [2i (PD0325901 and CHIR99021) plus LIF, 2iL] more closely resemble the inner cell mass of preimplantation blastocysts than those cultured in SL (serum plus LIF).Alth...
Jun 30, 2020Structural study reveals the molecular basis of SNX11-mediated endo-lysosomal sortingPhosphorylated phosphoinositides (PIPs) are phospholipids located at specific cellular membranes. Different phosphorylated PIs can be specifically recognized by their effectors, which will then be recruited to PI-enriched membranes. Phos...
Jun 11, 2020Study Finds R-loops Coordinate with SOX2 in Regulating Reprogramming to PluripotencyR-loops are unique structures in the cell, composed of RNA–DNA hybrids and a displaced single-stranded DNA, that are commonly found in around transcribed genes. However, R-loops are also dynamic and widespread entities that play unclear...
May 13, 2020Novel system reveals the mechanisms of pluripotency transitionIn a study published online in Nature Cell Biology on May 11, scientists from Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences established a novel and efficient system for non-integrated mouse Prime...