
Science and Technology Endeavor Conference 2020 Held in GIBH

Date:Jan 21, 2021

The Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences held the Science and Technology Endeavor Conference 2020 from January 12 to 14. This conference centered on the "14th Five-Year Plan" of GIBH and its science and research organizing structure. More than 50 people including the leadership caucus, project leaders, personnel above deputy director level in the administration section, and staffers in charge of public platforms of the support center attended the conference.  

In the conference, Chen Xinwen, president of GIBH, pointed out that the national government, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and local governments are currently formulating their own mid-term and long-term plans. The "14th Five-Year Plan" of GIBH should fully reflect its own advantages and characteristics, and proactively integrate itself with the national plan. He hoped that the participants should start from the national strategic needs, and focus on science and technology endeavor planning, modern management system and mechanism, innovation platform, and organization and management model, to pool thoughts and provide suggestions. He pointed out that in accordance with General Secretary Xi’s requirements for the Chinese Academy of Sciences, GIBH should accelerate to create the original innovation base, dash to make breakthroughs in key core technologies, strive to seize the commanding heights of science and technology, and further enhance its position and role in the national development of science and technology innovation.  

Duan Ziyuan, party secretary and vice president of GIBH, pointed out that as a national-level research institution, GIBH must unswervingly be problem-oriented, goal-oriented and result-oriented, rationally make the "14th Five-Year Plan", achieve high-quality development, and make new greater contributions to China’s science and technology cause.  

Li Ting, director of the science and technology development department, introduced the compilation of GIBH “14th Five-Year Plan” and its science and research organizing structure. Participants had heated discussions on major breakthroughs, key cultivation directions, establishment of second-tier research centers, and resource allocation. In the conference, the project leaders introduced their research progress in 2020 and conducted in-depth exchanges on research achievements.    

This conference is fruitful with important guiding significance for the further compilation of GIBH "14th Five-Year Plan" and the future mid-term and long-term development.