
Three International Students Awarded the Title of 2020 Excellent International Students

Date:Jan 21, 2021

After careful review by the scholarship committee of UCAS, 40 candidates of 2020 Excellent International Students of UCAS and 30 candidates of 2020 Excellent International Graduates of UCAS are selected. Three international students from the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences won this award. Muzammal Hussain and Md Mahmudul Islam graduating in 2020 won the award of "2020 Excellent International Graduates ", and PhD student Omar Mukama enrolled in 2017 won the honorary title of "2020 Excellent International Students".  

Muzammal Hussain, Pakistani, under the supervision of principal investigator Zhang Jiancun, enrolled in 2014 as a PhD student, awardee of the CAS-TWAS scholarship, once won the award Excellent International Students of UCAS in 2016 and 2019. He published 18 papers as UCAS student, including 10 as the first author, with the single highest impact factor as 6.76.    

Md Mahmudul Islam, Bangladeshi, under the supervision of principal investigator Zhang Tianyu, enrolled in 2015 as a PhD student, awardee of the CAS-TWAS scholarship, was awarded the honorary title of "2018 Excellent International Students". During the study period, he published 13 papers as UCAS student, including 5 as the first author, with the single highest impact factor as 6.43.     

Omar Mukama, Rwandan, under the supervision of principal investigator Li Zhiyuan, enrolled in 2017 as a PhD student, awardee of the CAS-TWAS scholarship, published 5 first-author papers as UCAS student, with the single highest impact factor as 10.257. 


Three International Students Awarded the Title of Distinguished International Student