
GIBH Sci & Tech Work Conference 2019 and ZhongShan Biomedicine and Health Seminar was Held

Date:Jan 16, 2020

During 13th - 15th January, 2020, the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences and Zhongshan Cuiheng New Zone Management Commission co-hosted the “Science and Technology Work Conference 2019 of the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences and ZhongShan City Biomedicine and Health Seminar”. GIBH leading bodies, project leaders, DDP senior researchers, deputy chiefs and above of the administrative and supporting sections, Xu Tao, chief of the Guangdong Provincial Lab of Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health, Yin Ming, director of Zhongshan Bureau of Science and Technology and deputy chief of Zhongshan Cuiheng New Zone Management Commission, and relevant leaders of Zhongshan Cuiheng New Zone Management Commission, attended the event. 

In the conference, Chen Xinwen, president of GIBH, pointed out: we are now dwelling in a good time when the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay Area is constructing itself as an international science innovation hub, and the needs for local governments to invest in science and technology is strong. GIBH should firmly seize the opportunities embedded in the constructions of the provincial lab and Hong Kong Innovation Academy,and collectively pursue further development. It is believed that GIBH has a more promising future through concerted efforts. It is also hoped that people should avail themselves of this science and technology work conference, actively exchange views and offer suggestions, and make due contributions on the construction of an international science innovation hub in the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay Area, and the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation. 

During the event, academician Xu Tao, chief of the Guangdong Provincial Lab of Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health, elaborated on the construction and development of the provincial lab from the aspects of lab construction background, work progress and achievement, work strategies and key measures. He pointed out: GIBH, as the main supporting institution of the provincial lab, has played a significant role in the construction and development of the provincial lab. The two parties should further intensify collaboration, integrate each other’s progress, and team up task forces in the face of important science and technology missions to overcome key obstacles so that a breakthrough-making, lead-taking and platform-style comprehensive national lab can be constructed as early as possible. 

At the meeting, various project leaders and DDP senior researchers made introductions on their research progress in 2019, while various administrative and supporting departments briefed on their work in 2019. This meeting also witnessed the discussions of the check and acceptance work of the 13th five-year plan of GIBH, the construction of Innovation Academy, the coordinated development with the provincial lab, and work performance improvement of various administrative departments. 

In the biomedicine and health seminar with the Zhongshan Cuiheng New Zone Management Commission, Jin Zhe, deputy director of the Economy Development Bureau of Zhongshan Cuiheng New Zone, depicted a general picture of development in Zhongshan city. He focused on the planning and deployment as well as relevant complementary policies of Zhongshan Cuiheng New Zone in the field of biomedicine in the era of constructing the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay Area. He hoped to ramp up the scientific and technological exchange and collaboration with relevant research institutions. GIBH scientists have also been invited to participate in the biomedicine industry development in Zhongshan city. People in the meeting have also exchanged their views on the potential collaborative areas in the future, laying a solid foundation for deepening collaboration.