
Miguel from GIBH Won the Chinese Government Friendship Award 2019

Date:Oct 01, 2020

On the afternoon of 30th September, 2019, the awarding ceremony of the Chinese Government Friendship Award 2019 was held in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, where Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council cordially met with foreign experts who won the Chinese Government Friendship Award in 2019. This year, 100 foreign experts from 31 countries won this award. The "Chinese Government Friendship Award", set up in 1991, is the highest award from the Chinese government in recognition of foreign experts who have made outstanding contributions to China's modernization and reform and opening-up undertaking. Principal Investigator Miguel Angel Esteban Barragan from the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, won the Chinese Government Friendship Award of 2019 and was invited to the National Day Military Parade. 

Principal Investigator Miguel Angel Esteban Barragan started his full-time tenure in the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008  until now. As the first foreign chief scientist selected in China's "973" project in 2011, he also won the "Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Outstanding Contributor)" in 2017, and has been awarded the "Guangzhou Honorary Citizen", "Guangzhou Yangcheng Friendship Award", "Zhuli Yuehua Excellent Teacher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences", "  and "High-end Foreign Expert of the State Bureau of Foreign Experts". Miguel Angel Esteban Barragan is mainly committed to the research of somatic cell reprogramming, non-coding RNA and neurodegenerative diseases, scoring systematic and innovative achievements in the field of induced pluripotent stem cell and making important contributions to the cultivation and internationalization of talents in the field of stem cell and regenerative medicine in China. 


Picture1 Miguel Angel Esteban  


Picture2 Miguel from GIBH Won the Chinese Government Friendship Award 2019