
UCAS Student Representatives Attended ISRF 2019

Date:Jun 25, 2019

The International Student Research Forum (ISRF) 2019 was hosted in the University of Southern Denmark in Odense of Denmark from June 16th to 20th. Sixty-one teachers and students from five institutions of higher education, namely the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Southern Denmark, the Griffith University of Australia, the Medical Centre of the University of Nebraska of USA, and the Simon Fraser University of Canada, participated in this academic event. 

This forum had four parallel sessions respectively focusing on neurobiology, cancer and clinical research, public health and foundation, and cell research. Ten UCAS Ph. D students from institutes in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Kunming and Guangzhou made presentations and posters in this forum. Liu Qi, a student in Li Yi’s team of the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a presentation, entitled “High-affinity TCR-T Can Eliminate HBV-induced Liver Cancer in the Liver Cancer Model of Mice with Heterogenous Transplantation”, on immune therapy in the parallel session of cancer and clinical research, and had a heated discussion with students from other countries. 

In the mean time, the forum held a “10-dollar challenge programme”, designed to involve all students who were supposed to have an active brain-storming and then in a very short time as  teams each consisting of five people propose a programme in a specific field of the world health endeavour with minimum cost and maximum improvement.  

During the event, the host also invited all participants to visit the Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine Lab and other labs in the University of Southern Denmark. The visitors developed a deeper understanding about this university and its research orientations after hearing presentations by five professors including Peter Krustrup. In addition, a boat trip cruising in the city of Odense embedded in a forest was organized and the participants also visited the former residence of Andersen and the prominent Egeskov Castle. They appreciated the beautiful scenery boasting top 12 gardens in the world and experienced the distinctive romance and grandeur in a land of fairy tales. In the farewell banquet, teachers and students from 5 schools in 5 countries exchanged gifts and left the last wonderful memories to each other. 

The students from across the world with different cultural backgrounds shared the same passion of unremitting pursuit in science and gathered together here. On this occasion of academic exchange and idea collision, the students have not only showcased their research achievements on the international stage and practiced and improved their expression capability but also made new friends from different countries and backgrounds and broadened their multidimensional perspectives and trans-disciplinary communication, giving fresh impetus to their future science and research undertaking. 


Picture 1: All participants from the UCAS in the University of Southern Denmark 


Picture 2: Liu Qi from GIBH made a presentation in the parallel session of cancer and clinical research 


Picture 3: Group picture of all students in the event