
Max Planck - GIBH Joint Center for Regenerative Biomedicine Launched in Guangzhou

Date:Dec 26, 2016

On December 20, 2016, the Max Planck - GIBH Joint Center for Regenerative Biomedicine, jointly established by Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences and German Max-Planck Society, officially launched in Guangzhou. Mr. Yang Jun, Deputy Director-General of the Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Government and Mr. Helmut Lüders, Consul General, German Consulate General Guangzhou attended the opening ceremony. The centre is the first international research centre launched in China by the Max-Planck Society.

In the opening ceremony, Prof. Pei Duanqing, Director of GIBH and Prof. Hans Sch?ler, Director of Max-Planck Society for Molecular Biomedicine unveiled the plate of MGCRB. MGCRB brings together resources of scientific research from China and Germany to build its research team. Composed of a variety of Chinese and German scientists, its transnational research team will base its researches on the directions of functional cell and organ repair, to prepare for further collaboration in the fields of production of induced pluripotent stem cells, drug precursor screening for heart and lung diseases, disease modeling, organ production for regenerative medicine, and other domains.

Mr Helmut Luders highly evaluates the collaborative efforts of scientists from China and Germany in promoting the scientific innovations of the two nations, and hopes that the Max Planck-GIBH Joint Centre will be an excellent model of China-Germany scientific collaboration. He mentions that the German Government attaches great importance to the development of China-Germany relationship, and that as the scientific cooperation between Germany and the Guangdong Province deepened in recent years, the German Consulate will give active assistance to promoting mutual collaboration in the application of scientific research programs and talent exchanges and cultivation.