
HKU-GIBH Symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Date:Oct 22, 2015


On Tuesday 13th October a delegation of 14 principal investigators of the University of Hong Kong led by provost Prof. Paul Tam visited the GIBH campus to take part in the 1st HKU-GIBH Symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine. The idea to hold this symposium was born at the ISSCR meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, during an informal meeting between Duanqing Pei, Mai Har Sham and Ralf Jauch who started to organize the meeting following their return to China. The goal of the exchange is to further deepen as well as broaden collaborative interactions between GIBH and HKU by involving more PIs as well as junior researchers. Duanqing Pei, director general of the GIBH, opened the meeting and highlighted the strong commitment of policy makers in China to further develop and support stem cell research creating unique opportunities for all players in the field both domestically as well as internationally. In his opening remarks, Paul Tam expressed his desire to tighten the links with the GIBH and a strong commitment of HKU to regenerative medicine and stem cell research. The opening was followed by 11 short lectures by scientists of both institutions illustrating the breadth and the quality of stem cell research carried out at GIBH and HKU. During the scientific sessions as well as during informal gatherings participants had ample opportunity to explore synergies and shared interests that will help to file join grant applications, to initiate large scale collaborative projects and to promote joint graduate student training programs. Participants hope that this symposium is going to kick-start a series of regular meetings between both institutions.


By Dr. Ralf Jauch of DDP