
Prof Tuofu Zhu from University of Washington visited GIBH

Date:Apr 03, 2015

On 27th March 2015, Prof Tuofu Zhu from University of Washington visited GIBH and gave a presentation entitled “HIV and HBV Cure: Evaluation with Innovative Technologies”. The report meeting was hosted by Prof Xiaoping Chen from GIBH’s Center for Infection and Immunity.

The application of ultra sensitive virology indicators in assessing the standard of efficacy and cure of viruses have been proven to be crucial. Prof Tuofu Zhu have made a long-term commitment to AIDS research. During his presentation, he expounded the importance of ultra low copy HIV viral load detection and viral load index for the clinical treatment of AIDS. These pioneering studies on the treatment of AIDS, HBV and HCV will provide new insights and methods for the treatment of other infectious diseases and tumors.

Prof Tuofu Zhu is the director of Molecular Virology Laboratory, Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Washington. He has published 3 papers as the first author on top tier journals Nature and Science, and he is also the editor of English Monograph “Human Retrovirus Protocols” (human retrovirus methodology). In addition, Prof Zhu served as the editor for a variety of international renowned scientific journals, and he is also a reviewer for a plurality of USA government funds and China National Natural Science Fund Projects. Prof Tuofu Zhu has received several distinguished awards, including the United States AIDS Foundation Scientist Award, University of Washington Outstanding Young Scientist Award, University of Washington Royalty Scientist Award etc.