
A Japanese delegation from RIKEN Institute visits GIBH

Date:Sep 30, 2013

A Japanese delegation of 7 people led by Investigator Zhouen Zhang from RIKEN Institute visited GIBH on the morning of September 16th. Inspector Yanghao Chen of the Oversea Chinese Affair Office from Guangdong Provincial Government and officials from Guangzhou municipal government accompanied the visitors. GIBH deputy director Hongming Hou greeted the guests and hosted the seminar.

During the meeting, Director Hongming Hou outlined GIBH’s history, areas of research, talents recruitment policy as well as the ongoing collaborations with international institutions. Scientists from both sides introduced their research projects and carried out in depth discussion regarding the foundation and advantages of medical and health issues. In addition, the scientists also exchanged ideas on specific topics, such as stem cell differentiation. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that both sides should explore potential opportunities to collaborate in the future by fully integrating the resources.

After the seminar, the delegation was giving a tour around the campus and laboratories at GIBH.