
Prof. Xiaofan Wang of Duke University Visits GIBH

Date:Jun 20, 2013



In response to GIBH Director General, Prof. Duanqing Pei’s invitation, Prof. Xiaofan Wang paid a visit to GIBH from 18th of May to 19th of May and had a symposium with research scientists at GIBH.


During the symposium, Prof. Wang had an in-depth discussion with the attendees regarding the International system of assessment, academic evaluation and graduate students training. He also talked about the differences between China and the rest of the world in postgraduate education and ways of implementation to scientific research programs.


Prof. Wang is a well-known tenured Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at the Duke University Medical Center. He has directed many NIH/NCI research programs and received many academic awards. He was invited to be the editor and reviewer for many top tier journals. He has been dedicating to china’s development in education, science and technology. In addition, he has also promoted and contributed to a series of policy refinements in improving the educational and scientific research atmosphere in China. He is currently a member of the State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Overseas Expert Advisory Committee.