
Prof. Zhanfeng Cui from The University of Oxford visits GIBH

Date:Mar 11, 2013

Prof. Zhanfeng Cui from the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford visited GIBH and gave a presentation entitled “Regenerative Medicine—Opportunity and Challenge”. Deputy Director Xuerong Xing from GIBH hosted the seminar.


During the meeting, Prof. Cui talked about the achievements made by his research team in tissue culture bioreactors, cryopreservation of engineering tissues as well as stem cell proliferation and differentiation control. In addition, he pointed out the opportunities and challenges in the regenerative medicine industry, such as the sources of stem cells, scaffolding materials, bioreactors, industrial amplification, etc. He also made elaborate analyses regarding the above mentioned subjects. After the talk, Prof. Cui had deep discussions with the attendees.


Prof. Cui is one of the first chemical engineering professor as well as the first Chinese professor in the University of Oxford. His research focuses mainly on biochemical engineering including bioseparation, bioprocessing, and regenerative medicine engineering. He has published around 150 articles in top tier journals and won many awards and honors, among which were Foresight Award and ESSO Fellowship of Royal academy of Engineering.