
Dr Feng from Nanfang Hospital visits GIBH

Date:Feb 01, 2013


On the 21stofJanuary 2013, Dr Ru Feng of Nanfang Hospital visited GIBH, and her team members gave presentations on their recent works. The seminar was hosted by Dr. Peng Li, a principal investigator at South China Institute of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine.


Dr Feng was a scholar from Japan and the US. Her lab focuses on diagnosis and treatment of malignant hematological diseases. She is an expert on peripheral blood stem cell mobilization and transplantation therapy. During the seminar,her team members talked about the gene regulation and biological functions of CD44 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and the role of PU.1.


After the seminar, the speakers had in-depth discussion with the participants regarding the presentations and future collaborations.