
GIBH is visited by Prof. Craig Mello, a winner of the Nobel Prize

Date:Jul 04, 2012


The winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Prof. Craig Mello from the University of Massachusetts Medical School visited GIBH on June 12th, 2012.He gave a lecture entitled RNAe and Immortality: recognition of self and non-self nucleic acids in the C. elegans germline. Dr. ZHANG Biliang at GIBH hosted the seminar.


Prof. Craig Mello introduced his discovery of RNA Interference (RNAi) as well as the mechanism and prospect application of the RNAi, and highlighted the newly-made discovery by his lab of RNA-induced epigenetic silencing (known as RNAe). After the seminar, Prof. Craig Mello had in-depth discussion with researchers at GIBH.



Prof. Craig Mello was awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, along with Dr. Andrew Z. Fire for the discovery of RNA interference. He is the leading scientist of
the research team for developing gene silencing technology and therapy, which was sponsored by the Guangdong province as the 2nd cycle innovative research team.