
Leaders of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) inspect GIBH

Date:Jan 28, 2011

Yongjun Chen, deputy director general of the Chemistry Department at NSFC, accompanied by Chanbing Du, director of the Organic Chemistry Office of the Chemistry Department at NSFC, made an inspection visit at GIBH on December 26th, 2010.

GIBH Director General Duanqing Pei introduced the sponsored research projects to GIBH and personnel trainings as well as the research progress of the Institute of Chemical Biology. Yongjun Chen applauded GIBH’s achievement within such a short time and encouraged GIBH to apply for projects which are funded by NSFC and make further progress.

Afterwards, Yongjun Chen exchanged views with research personnel regarding to the procedures for funding applications as well as the tips for composing proposals. He also gave a report titled The Sketch of Science and Technology in China, analyzing the status quo of the ecosystem of Chinese basic research as well as the current assessing system to the scientific research output, putting forth his perspective on duties which a scientist should assume. His report intrigued and aroused deep reflection among the attendees.