
Vice President of Fudan University visits GIBH

Date:May 12, 2010

  Vice President of Fudan University JIN Li visited Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health(GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences at 10th May. Director General PEI Duanqing and Deputy Director of South China Institute of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine LAI Liangxue welcomed the guests.

  During the meeting, Director PEI introduced adminstration infrastructure, history, personnel training, research divisions, collaboration and new campus. Vice President JIN Li introduced founding history of Fudan University, highlighting the construction and strategic planning of biological and medical research fields. Both parties gave presentations and interacted with subjects of mutual interest. Both agreed that Fudan University and GIBH exhibit complementarity in stem cell research collaboration, in wishful thought of long-term and tight collaboration in the future.

  After the meeting, the guests visited biological labs and stem cell bank.