
Prof. Robert Weinberg visited GIBH

Date:Nov 26, 2009

Prof. Robert A. Weinberg, one of the most distinguished cancer biologists from MIT, USA was invited to GIBH at 12th November, 2009. Prof. Weinberg gave an excellent speech on the topic of “Progress in understanding cancer stem cells and cancer metastasis” in the GIBH new building during his visit. Over 300 scientists flooded to his lecture, including Mr. Duanqing Pei Director General of GIBHMr. Jianchong Huang Deputy Director of GIBH and Mr. Yixin Zeng President of Cancer Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University.


During the lecture, Prof. Weinberg beautifully and extensively elaborated the cutting-edge issues relating to cancer stem cell and cancer metastasis; after the presentation, the audiences responded warmly to Prof. Weinberg with tremendous enthusiasm. Positive academic interaction between the famous speaker and audiences culminated the meeting to a climax. “What a sumptuous feast of academy!”, quoted by one of the graduate students from GIBH, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get close to such a master of science and be inspired by the latest frontier technology and innovative perspectives of cancer research.


To accompany Prof. Weinberg was Dr. Xiaofan Wang, the professor of Department of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology, Medical Center of Duke University, USA.


Prof. Robert A. Weinberg is a Founding Member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has been well-known for his lab’s discoveries of the first human oncogene-Ras and the first tumor suppression gene-Rb. He won the National Medal of Science in 1997, the Wolf Prize in Medicine in 2004, and he is also a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Weinberg achieved his academic fame for both his brilliance in cancer research and his mentorship of many eminent scientists. His outstanding scientific accomplishment opened up a brand-new angel to conquer cancer, one of the most notorious and life-threatening devils for human being. He and his team have set up a crucial milestone of the entire biomedical field.


            Prof. Robert A. Weinberg giving lecture in the auditorium


                  question-and-answer time