
The South China Institute of Stem Cell Biology, GIBH Spnsors Advanced Course of iPS

Date:Jan 09, 2008
On December 14, the Advanced Course of Stem Cell Biology sponsored by the South China Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration Medicine, GIBH started at Guangzhou. Researchers and the graduate students from Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, School of Life Science, Beijing University and some other Universities attended the five-day training. 
Stem cell biology is considered as the most promising discipline of the 21st century, especially with the emergence of iPS (induce pluripotent stem cell), which has exerted revolutionary influence on stem cell and regeneration medicine research.
The Advanced Course focused on the key technologies and the latest development, iPS in particular, with the purpose of sharing high-quality resources and making common progress in this area. A combined approach of experiments and lectures was adopted in the course, and during the Q&A and discussion section, the members exchanged ideas adequately, which has achieved productive results.   
This course has attracted more attention from the related area nationwide to the research and accelerated the promotion of iPS technology, and. The Advanced Course of Stem Cell Biology was supported by the national scientific project of South China Stem Cell Bank.




