
Director WANG Weizhong of Department of Facilities and Financial Support of MOST, China Inspected GIBH

Date:Mar 15, 2007

On the afternoon of March.12, 2007, Director-General WANG Weizhong, Department of Facilities and Financial Support, Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R.China inspected Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, accompanied by Deputy Director LI Xinghua of Guangdong Science and Technology Department, Deputy Director MA Shu of Guangzhou Science and Technology Department and other related officials of the Science and Technology Bureau of Guangzhou Development District.


After hearing the briefings by Dr. CHEN Ling, Director-General of the institute, Director WONG Weizhong expressed his appreciations for the rapid progress achieved at GIBH for such a short time, and his appraisal for the return of core investigators to the homeland and contributions to the scientific work. Director Chen also introduced to Director Wang the GIBH proposal of setting up a national screening center for innovative drugs at Guangzhou as well as instructions by President LU Yongxiang and Vice-president CHEN Zhu of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and held discussions with Director Wang and Deputy-Director Li on the proposal about its major points, construction scale and the management model as well.


Director WANG Weizhong also paid an on-site visit to the laboratories and the Center for Facilities of the institute, and gave instructions on the management of main scientific equipments.