
Representatives of U.S. Embassy’s ESTH Section Visited GIBH

Date:Mar 01, 2007

On the morning of Feb. 28th, the U.S. Embassy’s Health Attaché, Bruce Ross, and Environment, Science, Technology and Health Officer, Jeff Lee, accompanied by U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou Economic Officer, Daniel Gaush, paid a visit to GIBH to learn more about its activities.


The U.S. Embassy’s representatives were received by Dr. Chen Ling, Director General of GIBH and other Principal Investigators of the institute.  After being welcomed and shown around various laboratories of the institute, Dr. Chen gave a brief introduction of GIBH’s history, current activities and future development priorities. Mr. Ross was greatly impressed by the institute’s rapid setup and its research activities developing therapeutics and diagnostics for cancer and infectious diseases. The two sides discussed potential collaboration and exchange opportunities between GIBH and related institutions in the United States.  After the meeting, Dr. Chen had a group photo taken with the guests.