
Vice-Minister of Science and Technology Inspected GIBH

Date:Feb 05, 2007

On the afternoon of December 27, 2006, Mr. SHANG Yong, Vice-Minister of Science and Technology of P.R.China inspected Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIBH), accompanied by Mr. LI Xinghua, Vice-President of Guangdong Science and Technology Department, Mr. CAI Gangqiang, Director-General of Guangzhou Science and Technology Department.


After hearing the working report delivered by Dr. CHEN Ling, Director-General of GIBH, the minister affirmatively praised the progress and development achieved at GIBH since its foundation.  At the same time, he also pointed out the fact that the area of biomedicine had good momentum all over the world, as its significance had been well recognized and attracted a lot of fund. This had posed new challenges as well as opportunities in front of our country. The minister expresses his expectations for BIGH that the institute should courageously meet the global challenges of new technology revolution and competition, try to develop itself innovatively and vigorously on its existing basis, and make contributions to the biomedical industry of the country. After the meeting, the minister and his entourage also visited the laboratories and held conversations with the investigators.