
Premier Wen Jiabao Inspected GIBH

Date:Jan 04, 2007

On the morning of September, 12th, 2006, Premier Wen Jiabao, accompanied by Mr. Lin Shusen, standing committee member of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Guangzhou Commission , and Mr. Zhang Guangning, Vice Secretary and Mayor of Guangzhou Municipality, paid a visit to GIBH for the purpose of inspection. Dr. Ling Chen, Director General of GIBH, delivered a report on the construction background and progress and strategic target of GIBH to Premier Wen .

Premier Wen had a look at the posters of the personnel construction work at GIBH with interest and had a nice talk with Deputy Director of GIBH, Doctor Pei Duanqing .The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation on the achievements at GIBH in such a short time. Later, Premier Wen visited the laboratory . He encouraged the scientists to work hard and make achievement in the near future.

Premier Wen Jiabao is listening to Director General Ling Chen about the work at GIBH.