
British Permanent Secretary of Trade and Industry and the British Consultant General of Guangzhou visited GIBH

Date:Dec 30, 2006
The Permanent Secretary of Trade and Industry, Sir Brian Bender, accompanied by the British Consultant General of Guangzhou, Mr. Chris Wood paid a visit to GIBH on June 1, 2006. GIBH Director General, Dr. Ling Chen, Deputy Director, Dr. Duanqing Pei, Principle Investigators, Dr. Xiaoping Chen, Dr. Lixin Zhang and Dr. Chiwai Wong discussed on the issue of current scientific progress in China. Sir Brian Bender and Mr. Chris Wood were particularly impressed with the rapid development of GIBH as a world class research institute and enthusiastic about setting up potential collaborations between Britain and China, especially on prevention of infectious diseases and mechanistic studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine.