
2006 Guangzhou International Biomedicine Forum Opened

Date:Dec 30, 2006
2006 Guangzhou International Biomedicine Forum opened in Chinese Export Commodities Fairground on May 31. The forum was sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, co-organized by Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences and Guangdong International Science and Technology Exhibition Company and supported by Guangzhou Science and Technology Department and Guangzhou Biotechnology Center. Dr. Ling Chen, Director General of GIBH and Dr. Duanqing Pei, Deputy Director of GIBH, chaired the forum. Mr. Xianmin Ma, Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, delivered an opening speech.

Dr. John Shiver, Vice President of Vaccine and Biologics at Merck Research Laboratories, gave the first scientific presentation in the forum. He presented the recent progress on HIV vaccine research and development. Dr. Shiver is well-known in the field of HIV vaccine research around the globe. Under his leadership, a very promising HIV vaccine is in clinical trial and has the potential of benefiting HIV patients worldwide.

Dr. Jay Wu, founder and CEO of a California-based biotech company, VM Discovery Inc., gave a presentation on a novel drug discovery technology, Multi-Property Drug Design.

Another theme of the forum is stem cell and regenerative medicine. Dr. Johne Liu, Professor from Ontario Research Institute of Health, Canada, Dr. Xi He, Professor from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Julang Li, Associate Professor from University of Guelph, Canada and Dr. Zhongjun Zhou, Associate Professor from University of Hongkong, presented their findings in the field. Dr. Duanqing Pei introduced to the audience the China Megascien Project 2006-2020: Reproduction and Development. He strongly recommended that a new South-China Institute for Regenerative Medicine (SCIRM) should be built jointly by GIBH, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou Medical College, local hospitals and biotech companies.

The forum is a continuation of the highly acclaimed “Guangzhou International Forum” organized every year by GIBH since 2003. It received a great deal of attention from professionals of colleges, universities and research institutions in Guangzhou. The speeches delivered by experts won warm applause and high praise. The forum successfully established a critical platform that promotes scientific exchange for biomedical community in Guangzhou. It is believed that the forum would have great impacts on scientific research and biotech industry in South China.