
A visit by Eli Lilly & Co. at GIBH

Date:Dec 30, 2006
On Oct 26, 2005, representatives from international pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Co., including Executive Vice President & President of Research and Development Dr. Steven Paul, visited GIBH.

Dr. Ling Chen, Director General of GIBH, presented the progress of development at GIBH, specifically on the recruitment of senior scientists and the advancement of their research projects. Dr. Steven Paul was particularly impressed by the rapid progress of GIBH and expected the future success of GIBH would help bring in new investments from international pharmaceutical companies to Guangzhou. In addition, other representatives from Eli Lilly & Co. had extensive discussion with principle investigators from GIBH on potential collaborative projects.

Since April 2005, Eli Lilly & Co. had already paid visits to GIBH twice and conducted extensive discussions on potential collaborative research and development projects that would help bring GIBH to the international forefront of drug discovery.