Research Progress

GIBH Makes Important Progress in The Total Synthesis of Minfienisne

Date:Dec 19, 2011

Mifinesine, a structurally unique natural product isolated from the African Strychnos minfiensis, possesses a 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-9a,4a-iminothano-9H-carbazole core, which is found in a number of akuammiline alkaloids such as vicorine, echitamine and alstonamide. Recent studies indicate that these alkaloids exhibit interesting biological activities including impressive anticancer activity. However, only a few total syntheses of these alkaloids have thus far been documented due to the significant synthetic challenge of the tetracyclic system.

Recently, a concise total synthesis of minfiensine has been completed in ten steps by Qiu’s team at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health. The synthetic scheme started from inexpensive commercial materials and used all conventional reactions. This work has been accepted by Organic Letters.