Research Progress

Discover Cell Regeneration

Date:Jul 09, 2012


Stem cell biology, regenerative biology and regenerative medicine are being served by a new open access journal from BioMed Central, called Cell Regeneration. Spearheaded by the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Duanqing Pei, who is Director of the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), the journal focuses on high-impact research.


Dr. Pei summarises his expectations for the journal Cell Regeneration is devoting itself to publishing discoveries in cell biology and regeneration from both basic and applied research. I hope that this journal will distinguish itself by being pro-discovery and by making the publication process as efficient as possible. Together with our international editorial board, we are committed to making this journal a success, and your support is equally important. We look forward to receiving your contributions.


The initial articles capture that ethos, such as research by Xiaodong Shu, Duanqing Pei et al introduces the role of SNX17 in Notch pathway and pancreas development,  Curtis C Hughey et al shows the importance of oxygen consumption and energetic reserve in the survival of MSC and Clayton Yates et al discusses hMSC differentiation under microgravity conditions in a research article


The journal is supported by the GIBH, which covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors.You can register with the journal, or sign-up for article alerts, to find out about new discoveries as soon as they are published. For more information regarding Cell Regeneration, please visit the link below:

Thank you.


The Cell Regeneration Journal Editorial Team