Research Progress

Drug Discovery Pipeline End of Year Meeting

Date:Dec 26, 2011
From 8th to 9th of December 2011, DDP end of year meeting was held in Shenzhen Pattaya Hotel. The head of DDP Micky Tortorella and other senior scientists have attended the meeting together with members from all the research teams.

During the meeting, each research associate (RA) gave a 5min presentation about his/her work in 2011. The senior scientists evaluated RAs’ performances based on their daily work and the presentation. Many interesting questions have been raised and discussed at the meeting. Topics discussed include: high-throughput drug screening, pharmacokinetics/ADME, medicinal chemistry, biotherapeutics, anti-leukaemia drugs, anti-Alzheimer’s drugs, anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis drugs, anti-Malarial agents, Cox-2 inhibitor. The meeting provided everyone a clearer view of all the research carried out in DDP, provided scientists a good opportunity to communicate with each other and facilitated future collaborations between them. In the end, important questions regarding the goals of DDP for 2012 have also been discussed.

Overall, Drug Discovery Pipeline end of year meeting has been a huge success. It allowed us to identify problems and make improvements to DDP’s future development.