Mar 15, 2016Scientists from GIBH discovered that proton channel activity of influenza A virus matrix protein 2 contributes to autophagy arrestInfluenza viruses cause significant morbidity and mortality in humans. An outstanding feature of the virus is its ability to regulate host cellular pathways for its benefit. Recent studies showed that influenza A virus perturbs the autop...
Jan 27, 2016GIBH scientists discovered that dynamically reorganized chromatin is the key for the reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotent cellsDuring the progression from mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), the cell undergoes a remodeling of chromatin architecture. Nucleosomes are the fundamental structural units of chromatin, consisting of app...
Jan 27, 2016GIBH scientists discovered that dynamically reorganized chromatin is the key for the reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotent cellsDuring the progression from mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), the cell undergoes a remodeling of chromatin architecture. Nucleosomes are the fundamental structural units of chromatin, consisting of app...
Nov 26, 2015Scientists at DDP have successfully designed and synthesized a series of novel anticancer agents based on NSAIDsInflammation has received considerable attention for its role in the progression and aggressiveness of many cancers including NSCLC (nonsmall cell lung carcinoma). Many studies have shown the efficacy of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal antiinflamma...
Nov 26, 2015Scientists at DDP have successfully designed and synthesized a series of novel anticancer agents based on NSAIDsInflammation has received considerable attention for its role in the progression and aggressiveness of many cancers including NSCLC (nonsmall cell lung carcinoma). Many studies have shown the efficacy of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal antiinflamma...
Nov 20, 2015The novel role of TRPV2 in promoting the cytotoxicity of H2O2-mediated oxidative stress in human hepatoma cells have been discovered by GIBH scientistsCarcinogenesis is a multistep complicated process in which oxidative stress is considered as an important risk factor for cancer occurrence and progression. DNA and cells of the human body are constantly exposed to exogenous or endogenou...