
The Institute-Level Center for RNA-omics Analysis (referred to as the "RNA-omics Platform") focuses on technical and methodological innovation to meet cutting-edge researches. It provides high-quality, efficient technical support for RNA analyses from an RNA-omics perspective, including methods such as CLIP-seq, RIP-seq, and nascent RNA-seq. The platform also offers technical training on RNA-omics sample preparation and data analysis.


Services on the RNA-omics Platform operate through an email-based appointment and review system. For inquiries, please contact wu_qiongfang@gibh.ac.cn. The service process is as follows:


Introduction of characteristic support platform for RNA omics analysis
The Institute-Level Center for RNA-omics Analysis (referred to as the "RNA-omics Platform") focuses on technical and methodological innovation to meet cutting-edge researches. It provides high-quality, efficient technical support for RNA analyses from an RNA-omics perspective, including methods such as CLIP-seq, RIP-seq, and nascent RNA-seq. The platform also offers technical training on RNA-omics sample preparation and data analysis.

Services on the RNA-omics Platform operate through an email-based appointment and review system. For inquiries, please contact wu_qiongfang@gibh.ac.cn. The service process is as follows:

Technique flow chart:
Contact Person:Wu Qiongfang
Contact information:wu_qiongfang@gibh.ac.cn

Acknowledging Support

The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the RNomics Analysis Featured Support Platform.


Technical Support and Communication

WU Qiongfang
190 Kaiyuan Avenue, Guangzhou Science Park, Huangpu District, Guangzhou