DAI Zhen
Address:190 Kaiyuan Avenue, Guangzhou Science Park, Huangpu District, Guangzhou
Study/Work Experience
Research Areas

We aim to develop novel therapeutic approaches for the organ regeneration. To achieve this, we are utilizing interdisciplinary approaches involving stem cell, animal models and new biomaterials for generating organoids. Over the years, we have uncovered the functional relevance of growth factors and small RNAs during progression of acute and chronic liver diseases. Additionally, we applied stem cell-based cell replacement therapy to treat neuron-degenerated diseases. We are currently investigating the generation of humanized organs in organ-deficient pigs via human pluripotent stem cell-based embryo complementation.

Academic Performance
Representative Papers

1.Jiaowei Wang*, Wenguang Xie*, Nan Li*, Wenjuan Li*, Zhishuai Zhang*, ……, Guangjin Pan#, Miguel A. Estban#, Zhen Dai#, Liangxue Lai#. Generation of a Humanized Mesonephros in Pigs from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells via Embryo Complementation. Cell Stem Cell, (Cover story) 2023

2.Zhen Dai, Guangqi Song, ……, Michael Ott#, Amar Deep Sharma#. Growth differentiation factor 11 attenuates liver fibrosis via expansion of liver progenitor cells. Gut, (Editor's Choice) 2020

3.Dakai Yang*, Zhen Dai*, Taihua Yang, ……, Amar Deep Sharma. MicroRNA-125b-5p regulates hepatocyte proliferation during the termination phase of liver regeneration. Hepatology communications, 2020

4.Zhen Dai, Michael Ott, Amar Deep Sharma. Equal opportunity offer for all hepatocytes. Journal of hepatology, 2020

5.Simon Krooss*, Zhen Dai*, ……, Amar Deep Sharma#, Hildegard Büning#, Michael Ott#. Ex/in vivo gene editing in hepatocytes using “all-in-one” CRISPR-AAV vectors with a self-linearizing repair template. iScience, (F1000 recommendation) 2020

6.Malte Sgodda, Zhen Dai, ……, Tobias Cantz. A Scalable Approach for the Generation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Hepatic Organoids with Sensitive Hepatotoxicity Features. Stem Cells Dev, 2017

7.Zhen Dai*, Rong Wu*, ……, Tiedong Wang#, Daxin Pang#. Adverse effects in swine caused by overexpression of shRNA. JZUS-B, 2014

8.Yicheng Zhao*, Zhen Dai* ……, Hongsheng Ouyang#, Chun-Bo Teng#. Sequence-specific inhibition of microRNA via CRISPR/CRISPRi system. Sci.Rep, 2014