Jul 09, 2012Discover Cell RegenerationStem cell biology, regenerative biology and regenerative medicine are being served by a new open access journal from BioMed Central, called Cell Regeneration. Spearheaded by the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Duanqing Pei, who is Director of the G...
Jun 19, 2012Homeoprotein hhex-induced conversion of intestinal to ventral pancreatic precursors results in the formation of giant pancreata in Xenopus embryos.Mechanistic understanding of pancreas development and the formation of pancreatic β cell lineage is critical for developing rational strategies to generate functional pancreatic beta cells from human embryonic stem cells or induced plur...
Jun 19, 2012Homeoprotein hhex-induced conversion of intestinal to ventral pancreatic precursors results in the formation of giant pancreata in Xenopus embryos.Mechanistic understanding of pancreas development and the formation of pancreatic β cell lineage is critical for developing rational strategies to generate functional pancreatic beta cells from human embryonic stem cells or induced plur...
Jun 04, 2012Modeling Abnormal Early Development with Induced PluripotentAneuploid syndromes are caused by supernumerary or reduced number of chromosomes. About 2/3 aneuploid syndromes embryos abort spontaneously at early stages of development. Newborn babies with aneuploid syndromes generally have serious ph...
Jun 04, 2012Modeling Abnormal Early Development with Induced PluripotentAneuploid syndromes are caused by supernumerary or reduced number of chromosomes. About 2/3 aneuploid syndromes embryos abort spontaneously at early stages of development. Newborn babies with aneuploid syndromes generally have serious ph...
May 21, 2012A New Biosensor for Nucleic Acid DetectionThe detection of nucleic acid is of central importance for the diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases, the detection of infectious agents, biowarfare agents, and drug discovery.Dr. ZENG Lingwen’s group at GIBH has developed a new b...