  • Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academyof Sciences (GlBH) was jointly established by Chinese Academy ofSciences (CAS), the People's Government of Guangdong Province andthe People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality after the SARSoutbreak in 2003 and was ofhcially founded in March 2006. lt is thehrst research institute of CAS that focuses on local economic andsocial development and manifests CAS's cooperation with the localgovernment. The establishment of GlBH has compensated the lackingof a national biomedicine research institute in South China, and hasbeen regarded as a successful example in the exploration of buildingnew R&D institute in China.
  • With the orientation on human health and Healthy China Movement, GIBHfocuses on cutting-edge scientifc issues and the pathogenesis of majordiseases and strives to be a world-class R&D institute of biomedicineand health as well as a high-level incubator for innovative talents. ltundertakes the mission of producing original fundamental theories,procuring technology breakthroughs and providing systematic solutionsfor health and disease prevention and control, with the expectation tooptimize the rapid commercialization of scientihc and technologicalachievements, to meet the national strategic and regional economic andsocial needs, to promote the biopharmaceutical industry, and to supportnational strategic science and technology programs.
Organization & Staff
  • GIBH is now mainly engaged in theresearch ofstemcells andregenerative medicine, chemical biology, infection and immunity, publichealth, and scientifc equipment R&D, Currently, the institute containshve research units including the Cell Lineage and Development ResearchCenter, the Cell Regeneration and Biological Therapy Research Centerthe Infection and lmmunology Research Center, the Chemical Biologyand Drug Research Center, as well as the Health Research Center. Inaddition, there are ve research facilities at GlBH, including the Analysisand Testing Center, the Experimental Animal Center, the Biomedical Dataand Supercomputing Center, the Therapeutic Cell Preparation ResearchCenter, and the Biosafety Level lll Mobile Lab.
  • GlBH gathers and cultivates a group of committed talents. At present,there are 384 employees and 459 students, including 389 graduatestudents.Within 55 senior scientists here, including four foreignresearchers, 90% were recruited from abroad. Scientists from GlBH havebeen awarded with many high academic honors such as the NationalTalent Program, the National Science Fund for Distinguished YoungScholars, the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, theNational High-Level Foreign Expert Introduction Program, the ChineseGovernment Friendship Award, the CAS Talent Introduction Program, theCAS Young Talent Program, the South Guangdong Innovation Award, aswell as the Guangdong Provincial Talent Plan, etc.

  • GlBH not only provides doctoral programs in Biology, Basic Medicine aswell as Medicinal Chemistry, but also offers master programs in Materialsand Chemical Engineering, as well as Biology and Medicine. The instituteis also running several education programs in collaboration with multipletop universities in China, including University of Science and Technologyof China, Jilin University,Guangzhou Medical University, ShenyangPharmaceutical University and Shandong First Medical University, coveringundergraduate, master and doctoral levels. Those educational and trainingprograms have been attracting students from all over the world, such asSpain, India, Pakistan and Nepal.
  • Researches in GlBH have been funded by China's inistry of Scienceand Technology, National Natural Science Foundation, CAS, Guangdongprovincial and Guangzhou municipal goverment. Up till now, 24 projectshave been supported by the National Major Research Plan, the NationalKey R&D Plan, the CAS Strategic Priority Research Program (class A),the National Major Research Equipment Development Scheme, and theScience Fund for Creative Research Groups. 2,025 papers have beenpublished. 1,858 of them have been accepted by SCl, 42 by NaturePortfolio jourals, and 28 by Cell Press journals. Many awards and honorshave been received, including two second prizes of National NaturalScience Award, one Outstanding Scientihc and Technological AchievementAward of CAS,two South Guangdong Outstanding Contribution andInnovation Award, six frst prizes of Guangdong Science and TechnologyAward, and three hrst prizes of Guangzhou Science and TechnologyAward.
  • GlBH is committed to promoting local industries through science andtechnology, and attaches great importance to local engagements forthe translation and commercialization of research hndings. So far, 790patents (590 domestic and 131 international) and 74 PCT patents havebeen applied for. 376 of them have been licensed (330 domestic and46 international) and 4 of which have been granted with China PatentExcellence Award and Guangdong Patent Excellence Award. In addition,three self-developed drugs have been approved for clinical trials byChina's Medical Products Administration (NMPA),including GZD824(a frst-in-class anti-leukemia drug),ASK120067(a hrst-in-classanti-tumor drug),as well as AD16(a frst-in-class anti-Alzheimerdrug).Moreover, GZD824,also known as Olverembatinib Tablets, hasbeen authorized for marketing on November 24,2021.ASK120067 hasbeen submitted to the Center for Drug Evaluation of NMPA. AD16 hasbeen approved to enter Phase l clinical study.
  • GIBH has co-established the State Key Laboratory of RespiratoryDiseases with Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, the KeyLaboratory of Regenerative Biology of CAS, the Guangdong ProvincialKey Laboratory of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine as well asGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Biomedical Computing, andhas supported the foundation of Guangzhou Bio-island Lab as wellas the Stem Cell innovation Center of CAS's Hong Kong Institute ofScience and Innovation.
  • GlBH has forged close bonds with international research institutions anduniversities, including Germany's Max Planck Society and the Universityof Auckland in New Zealand. In collaboration with top universities andresearch institutes worldwide, GlBH have established International JointResearch Center for Biomedicine and Health,International ScienceCooperation Base for Stem Cell, and Regenerative Medicine and MaxPlank-GlBH Research Center. Moreover, GlBH has successfully organizedGuangzhou International Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine AnnualMeeting for 12 years, in which several Nobel Laureates were invited askeynote speakers.