1.Sylvia M Evans, Ju Chen, Chen-Leng Cai, Alessandra Moretti, Kenneth R Chien, Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz, Use of islet 1 as a marker for isolating or generating stem cells. United States Patent 7745113.
2.Sylvia Evans, Ju Chen, Chen-Leng Cai, Wenlai Zhou, Michael G Rosenfeld, Compositions and methods for treating diseases associated with T-box and N-Myc. US Patent 7981615.
1. 2015-2018 Grant-in-Aid, American Heart Association
2. 2009-2014 Independent Scientist Award, NIH
3. 2008-2011 Grant-in-Aid, American Heart Association
4. 2008-2010 Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar, March of Dimes
5. 2004-2008 National Scientist Development Award, American Heart Association
6. 2004 Schuman Award, University of California, San Diego
7. 2001-2003 Postdoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association
8. 1997 Blue Moon Prize, Wuhan University
2. Cai CL*, Molkentin JD*. The Elusive Progenitor Cell in Cardiac Regeneration: Slip Slidin' Away. Circulation Research. 2017;120(2):400-406.
3. Sultana N, Zhang L, Yan J, Chen J, Cai W, Razzaque S, Jeong D, Sheng W, Bu L, Xu M, Huang GY, Hajjar RJ, Zhou B, Moon A, Cai CL*. Resident c-Kit+ cells in the heart are not cardiac stem cells. Nature Communication. 2015;6:8701.
4. Zhang L, Nomura-Kitabayashi A, Sultana N, Cai W, Cai X, Moon AM, Cai CL*. Mesodermal Nkx2.5 is necessary and sufficient for early second heart field development. Developmental Biology. 2014 Jun 1;390(1):68-79.
5. Cai X, Zhang W, Hu J, Zhang L, Sultana N, Wu B, Cai W, Zhou B, Cai CL*. Tbx20 acts upstream of Wnt signaling to regulate endocardial cushion formation and valve remodeling during mouse cardiogenesis. Development. 2013 Aug;140(15):3176-87.
6. Cai CL, Martin JC, Sun Y, Cui L, Wang L, Ouyang K, Yang L, Bu L, Liang X, Zhang X, Stallcup WB, Denton CP, McCulloch A, Chen J, Evans SM*. A myocardial lineage derives from Tbx18 epicardial cells. Nature. 2008;454(7200):104-108.
7. Cai CL, Liang X, Shi Y, Chu PH, Pfaff SL, Chen J, Evans S*. Isl1 identifies a cardiac progenitor population that proliferates prior to differentiation and contributes a majority of cells to the heart. Developmental Cell. 2003;5(6):877-889